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Prude Mechanicals, or Pore Newland Is Daid: Arena's "The Age of Innocence," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

An Archer misses the target. Shereen Ahmed and A.J. Shively in The Age of Innocence. (Daniel Rader)

Another Gilded Age, another pandemic. The time is right for another look at The Age of Innocence, more now than in 1993, when Martin Scorsese made his marvelous film of Edith Wharton’s 1920 novel. Turning in into a movie made sense. And putting it on stage? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it might’ve worked better as a musical.

My full Washington Post review is here.

Anthony Mackie, Agent of Shield: "Captain America: Brave New World," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

No cherry blossom trees were harmed in the production of this major motion picture (Disney)

My apologies to Shira Haas and to Tim Blake Nelson, both of whom were cut for space my Washington City Paper review of the extremely busy, half-successful Captain America: Brave New World.

The Power of the "Dog Man"

Chris Klimek

Squirrels and criminals beware. (Dreamworks)

Look, I didn’t hallucinate the ALIENS and Die Hard quotes in Dog Man; they were really there. The only thing that came out of my draft of my Washington Post review was where I pointed out that the bloodless canine-human head-trade in this PG-rated movie reminded me of the cranial swap in the original 1958 version of The Fly.