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The Airborne Yuletide Event (2022)

Presenting my 2022 yulemix, compiled with respect and affection for you, the listener.


Halldeckers! Merrymakers! Gay Apparel-donners! The yulemix enters its Pierce Brosnan era with this seventeenth senses-shattering installment! It's another paradoxically digital yule (ana)log, optimized to obfuscate and illuminate your holiday season. The first side will conveniently fit onto a one side of a 100-minute cassette. No promises about Side B!

Longtime listeners may spot nods to installments past here and there, because to neglect such a long and rich and long and storied and long history would be ungrateful, somehow. But the vast majority of these 103 minutes — 54 percent of the run-time of Avatar: The Way of Water by volume — are comprised of entirely new old material. There’re even four actually new, released-in-2022 yuletunes strategically sprinkled throughout this most festive and beguiling of sonic canvases.

Listen close, my dear ones, and listen loud. Merry Christmas.