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features, essays, etc.

Mike Daisey, unreliable narrator

Mike Daisey, unreliable narrator

Playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (Darrow Montgormery)

Playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (Darrow Montgormery)

Washington Shakespeare Company's Mary Stuart (Sept. 2010) 

Video: Eight Minutes with the Cast & Crew of Ella Hickson's EIGHT (Aug. 2010) 

Ed Hamell, Road Warrior (July 2010) 

Tea-Jerk Reaction (July 2010)

Can the Fringe Festival Grow Up? (WCP cover story, July 2010) 


The Washington Post

Ron Bohmer, the Pantom his own self (Dec. 2008) Tom Kamm, desigining Boom! for Woolly Mammoth (Oct. 2008) Jose Rivera's Brainpeople at Rorschach (June 2009) Taffety Punk's The Faithkiller (April 2009) Gary Gulman (March 2024) Maria/Stuart at Woolly Mammoth (Aug. 2008) Constellation's The Marriage of Figaro (Jan. 2009) Mermaids, Monsters, and the World Painted Purple at the Kennedy Center (Oct. 2008) GALA's Mummy in the Closet: The Return of Eva Peron (May 2009) Solas Nua's Pumpgirl (Feb. 2009) Rooms, a Rock Romance (July 2008) Jon Spelman, Digging into Shakespeare (March 2009)