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I Still Wish I Were Blind: The Often Terrible Album Covers of Bruce Springsteen, revisited.

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I Still Wish I Were Blind: The Often Terrible Album Covers of Bruce Springsteen, revisited.

Chris Klimek

Bruce v. Bruce. Drops 1/14/14.

That's The Boss's imminent album up there, all right. Over at NPR Monkey See this morning, I ask why it -- like pretty much every album Springsteen has made in the last 30 years (except for The Ghost of Tom Joad) -- must have such a terrible, awful, no good, inexpressive and irreducibly goddamn fugly cover.

I wrote a similar, much longer piece examining the covers of Springsteen's entire official catalog five years ago, after the horrific cover of Working on a Dream leaked.

The good ones:

The worst ones:

The best of the parodies, I reckon: