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Yippie kai yay, Motherfucker with the Hat: Studio's trash-talking triumph. Plus, Kafka on the Shore

Chris Klimek

Unhappy motherfuckes: Drew Cortese and Quentin Maré. (Photo: Teddy Wolff / Studio Theatre)  

Unhappy motherfuckes: Drew Cortese and Quentin Maré. (Photo: Teddy Wolff / Studio Theatre)

Embarrassing admission: I didn't realize until after I'd filed my review of Studio's superb production of The Motherfucker with the Hat that its playwright, Stephen Adly Guirgis, is the selfsame motherfucker who wrote The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, the best thing I saw on a DC stage in 2008.

Also reviewed: Spooky Action's Kafka on the Shore, DC's second Frank Galati-scripted stage adaptation of a Haruki Murakami story or novel in four months.  This one is looser and more wobbly than the last one. Your mileage may vary.

Today's Washington City Paper is, as always, available wherever fine newspaper are given away for free.