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When In Glam: Nero/Pseudo,</em> reviewed.

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When In Glam: Nero/Pseudo, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Bradley Foster Smith in Richard Byrne's&nbsp;Nero/Pseudo. (C. Stanley Photography)

Bradley Foster Smith in Richard Byrne's Nero/Pseudo. (C. Stanley Photography)

Richard Byrne's original glam musical Nero / Pseudo, featuring songs by Jon Langford and Jim Elkington, needs a little more Caligula, I conclude in my Washington City Paper review. Still, it's a project worth following -- and I've been following it for a couple of years

Langford was one of my first opportunities to interview an artist I'd long admired. I talked to him for DCist in 2007 in advance of a mekons show and again the following year before his other great band, the Waco Brothers, came to town.