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I Don't Think You're Ready for This Vile Jelly: King Lear</em> and Spark,</em> reviewed.

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I Don't Think You're Ready for This Vile Jelly: King Lear and Spark, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Joseph Marcell and Bethan Cullinane in King Lear (Ellie Kurttz).

Joseph Marcell and Bethan Cullinane in King Lear (Ellie Kurttz).

My review of the Globe Theater's stripped-down touring production of King Lear -- the play that inspired Ira Glass to proclaim "Shakespeare sucks"! -- is in today's Washington City Paper. I also reviewed Theatre Alliance's production of Caridad Svich's Spark.

FURTHER READING: I reviewed Synetic Theatre's wordless King Lear in 2011. And I interviewed Ira Glass, who was and remains one of my heroes, in April 2008.