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Hark! The Christmas Force Awakens</em> is now streamable for your hall-decking merriment.

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Hark! The Christmas Force Awakens is now streamable for your hall-decking merriment.

Chris Klimek

Hark! The tenth installment in my indefatigable Christmas mixtape series, entitled The Force Awakens — Yuletunes Eclectic & Inexplicable Perfect X: Final Sequence, is upon us.

In the unlucky event your computer or personal electronic device is not equipped with a tape deck, you can stream Side A below. May your days be shiny and chrome, and may the Christmas Force be with you.

The Christmas Force Awakens — Yuletunes Eclectic & Inexplicable Perfect X: Final Sequence [Side A]
Chris Klimek

UPDATE: Side B is posted, too!