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Pop Culture Happy Hour, Small-Batch Edition: Mad Max: Fury Road</em>

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Pop Culture Happy Hour, Small-Batch Edition: Mad Max: Fury Road

Chris Klimek

Hugh Keays-Byrne (chalk&nbsp;white, center)&nbsp;as Immortan Joe in&nbsp;Fury Road (Jasin Bolland).

Hugh Keays-Byrne (chalk white, center) as Immortan Joe in Fury Road (Jasin Bolland).

I was under the mojo-sapping influence of a stomach bug when I joined Pal-for-Life Glen Weldon in the studio for a Small Batch dissection of Mad Max: Fury Road, a film I love.

Readers of my Twitter feed know that matters of hydration are foremost in my mind during DC's April-to-November summers, what with 2015 being my 24th consecutive year as a runner and all. So while I accepted most of Fury Road's fantastical elements without question, the matter of how everyone in the movie didn't pass out from heat exhaustion after 30 seconds of combat was one I would be disposed to fixate upon even if I hadn't spent the night prior to the taping on my couch, curled up in the fetal position around a bottle of Gatorade.

And yet it never comes up in our discussion.

How? Professionalism.

I hope I did an okay job of explaining that while Fury Road is essentially one long chase involving dozens of what look to be astonishingly gas-guzzling (but also astonishing, full-stop) vehicles, the film is a marvel of narrative efficiency.

Hear us prattle on here.