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Pop Culture Happy Hour: Annihilation!</em> (emphasis mine)

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Pop Culture Happy Hour: Annihilation! (emphasis mine)

Chris Klimek

Gina Rodriguez and Natalie Portman breach the perimeter in Annihilation.&nbsp;(Paramount)

Gina Rodriguez and Natalie Portman breach the perimeter in Annihilation. (Paramount)

"Annihilation" and What's Making Us Happy

Here is a joke you will not hear on today's episode of Pop Culture Happy Hour, wherein I join old friends Linda Holmes and Stephen Thompson and new friend Daisy Rosario to dissect (heh) Annihilation, the new thriller from Ex Machina writer/director Alex Garland starring Natalie Portman and involving lots of cool but hella gross body horror stuff:

 Portman hand

Portman finger

Portman foot



Let nothing, nothing go to waste. You can hear the episode here.