A DEGREE ABSOLUTE! episode twenty-one — McG on Columbo
Chris Klimek
Director and guest star Patty MG pulls Peter Falk’s strings in the 1975 Columbo episode “Identity Crisis.”
DID YOU KNOW that Columbophiles are properly nomenclatured Columboheads or Trenchcoatheads?
DID YOU KNOW that fans who divide their sympathies equally among Patrick McGoohan and Peter Falk are formally designated McGalks?
The source of these incontrovertible revelations, the great Linda Holmes, joins us to investigate Patty McG’s historic run as a four-time Columbo killer / five-time Columbo director. Brandon Routh, the George Lazenby of Supermen despite being admirably heighted to the role, also gets a surprising quotient of airtime on this typically tangent-tolerant episode of our private, personal, by-hand, punchcard-driven podcast!
Read Linda's November 2020 essay on her pandemic discovery of Columbo here. And follow her on Twitter, obviously.