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A Degree Absolute! episode forty: The Prisoner 2009 (second half) — Darling, Schizoid, & Checkmate

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A Degree Absolute! episode forty: The Prisoner 2009 (second half) — Darling, Schizoid, & Checkmate

Chris Klimek

It's More Talk About A-Frames and Holes as we slog dutifully through the back half of The Prisoner's 2009 Jim Caviezel-and-Ian McKellen-starring update. It turns out Chris did review Serenity, the Steven Knight film he referes to 54 minutes into this episode. Read that review if you wish!

Darling, Schizoid and Checkmate

Written by Bill Gallagher

Directed by Nick Hurran

Initial airdate: November 15 & 16, 2009

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Our song: "A Degree Absolute!"

Music and Lyrics by Chris Klimek

Arranged by Casey Erin Clark and Jonathan Clark

Vocals and Keyboards by Casey Erin Clark

Guitar, Percussion, Mixing by Jonathan Clark

Bass by Marcus Newstead