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The Tyranny of the Written Interview: A Transcribed Conversation with Monologist Mike Daisey

Chris Klimek

Mike Daisey. You can trust the man who wears the beard, as long as he isn't singing.

Mike Daisey. You can trust the man who wears the beard, as long as he isn't singing.

I've written about monologuist Mike Daisey a lot in the last four years, but especially last year, in the wake of damaging revelations about his show The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs.

He and I met again at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, his performing home here in DC since 2008, last Friday to talk about his new piece, American Utopias, which I review in this week's Washington City Paper.  I've just posted an edited, partial transcript of that talk up on Arts Desk.

FURTHER READING: Hoo boy.  My 2009 review of Daisey's How Theatre Failed America. My 2010 preview of The Last Cargo Cult. My initial reaction, from March 2012, to The Agony & Ecstasy of Steve Jobs controversy, and my reaction to Daisey's reaction.  Finally, my July 2012 City Paper cover story about Daisey's return to Woolly Mammoth to perform a revised, fabrication-free version of Agony & Ecstasy.