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(Invasion) Hit Parade: Elvis Costello at Lisner Auditorium, annotated.

Chris Klimek

Elvis Costello at Lisner Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 22, 2013. (Francis Chung for DCist)

Elvis Costello at Lisner Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 22, 2013. (Francis Chung for DCist)

Has it really been more than two years since I last saw Elvis Costello play and felt compelled to write footnotes, basically, on all the curiosities in the set? The calendar does not lie. I've seen Costello perform probably 20 times since 1999, but I'd never seen him do a headlining solo set, as he did Friday night at Lisner Auditorium.

Because no one demanded it, I posted some notes over at DCist, where it's been so long that I don't even have my own login anymore. The post features great photos by Francis Chung, who took the one above. For an overview of the concert, the great and good Dave McKenna captured it well in his Washington Post review.