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Race Bore: Supremacy, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

It's a cruel irony that Joe Anderson's performance as an Aryan Nation asshole who takes a black family hostage is the best thing about the grim, dim Supremacy.

It's a cruel irony that Joe Anderson's performance as an Aryan Nation asshole who takes a black family hostage is the best thing about the grim, dim Supremacy.

My review of Supremacy, Deon Taylor's dreary thriller marketed under that meaningless, catnip-for-dim-people phrase, Based on Actual Events, is on The Dissolve today. It's a deeply unpleasant genre movie that's convinced it's saying something bold about Race in America. I had to resort to quoting the film's press notes. I don't feel good about it, but if you read them you'll see I had no choice.