A DEGREE ABSOLUTE! episode twenty-nine — Our Top Six Twos
Chris Klimek

THERE CAN BE ONLY TWO(s) as Chris & Glen rank their top six on this week’s exciting episode!
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Filtering by Tag: Georgina Cookson
THERE CAN BE ONLY TWO(s) as Chris & Glen rank their top six on this week’s exciting episode!
The first half of this episode is dialogue-free! This episode of The Prisoner, that is, not this episode of A Degree Absolute!, though that's the sort of formal experimentation we'd be game to try. Anywho, Number Six awakens in an inexplicably raptured Village and opts for the seaborne escape route, where starvation, pirates, and intrigue await. As does Georgina Cookson, on whom Glen has developed a serious crush.
PLUS: Listener mail!
They grow up fast. A Degree Absolute!, my punctuated and punchcard-driven passion project podcast with Pal-for-Life Glen Weldon, is already three episodes old!
We’re reviewing the episodes in the sequence in which they were aired way back in 1967-8 A.D., which is, as we explain, for the most part not the sequence in which they were made. This week’s episode, “A. B. & C.,” was intended to run late in The Prisoner’s first season, and was ultimately broadcast third. It features Peter Bowles telling Patrick McGoohan “I want you,” a classic John McClane-style air-shaft constitutional, some dodgy fisticuffs, the plot of the 2010 Christopher Nolan film Inception, and a milk-drinking Colin Gordon as a Number Two menaced by a tumescent red phone.