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Filtering by Tag: Jackie Chan

Ex-Agent Provocateur: The Foreigner, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

"Let's just watch this movie on my phone." It's Chan v Brosnan in The Foreigner. (STX)

"Let's just watch this movie on my phone." It's Chan v Brosnan in The Foreigner. (STX)

Here's my  NPR review of Martin Campbell's The Foreigner, which I enjoyed for its Northern Irish political skullduggery and for Pierce Brosnan's sleazy performance but found far less successful as a vehicle for producer-star Jackie Chan. In addition to a bunch of decent-but-not great movies (and the giant flop Green Lantern, which I never saw) Campbell made the best-in-class 007 adventure, Casino Royale, so a mediocre espionage film from him counts as a disappointment.

French (Double) Dip: Brick Mansions, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

David Belle and Paul Walker in Brick Mansions, a not-as-good remake of the French action film District B13.

When I was sixth grade I was in a terrible musical wherein the lady who would become, some years later, my first real girlfriend sang a song called "It always sounds better in French."

My review of Brick Mansions, the subpar American remake of the Francophone parkour movie District B13, is on The Village Voice now. Rest in peace, Paul Walker.