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Filtering by Tag: Jason Bourne

Pop Culture Happy Hour No. 307: Jason Bourne and Suicide Squad

Chris Klimek

Beloved Pop Culture Happy Hour host Linda Holmes is at the Television Critics Association gathering in Los Angeles this week, so Tanya Ballard Brown and I joined regular panelists Stephen Thompson and Glen Weldon for an uncharacteristically reserved episode. By which I mean, neither of the big summer movies we autopsied, Jason Bourne and Suicide Squad, is very good, though the latter is much worse. I had hopes for both of them, because I admire their directors, Paul Greengrass and David Ayer, very much, and I've tended to like their work. You know what late-summer release was not a big letdown? Star Trek Beyond. I endorse it.

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Vestigial Tale: Jason Bourne, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Matt Damon, gouing through the moutions in a fifth Bourne. (Universal)

Matt Damon, gouing through the moutions in a fifth Bourne. (Universal)

Look, I enjoyed the circa 2002-7 Bourne trilogy, and it's surprising to me that I've never gotten around to 2012's Damonless, Greengrassless The Bourne Legacy given how much I liked writer/director Tony Gilroy's Michael Clayton. But as I aver in my NPR review, Jason Bourne isn't just the least of the Damon-starring Bournes—it's not even as good as SPECTRE, which suffered an acute surfeit of goodness. And Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. are both far more imaginative and colorful diversions, spywise and otherwise.

It gives me no joy to deliver unto you this disappointing news.