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Filtering by Tag: Jennifer Hoppe-House

On Around Town, talking Uprising and Bad Dog and Alice in Wonderland

Chris Klimek

After our summer hiatus, I'm back on WETA's Around Town with host Robert Aubry Davis and fellow theatregoer Jane Horwitz to talk about three recent shows I reviewed for the Washington City Paper: MetroStage's historical musical Uprising, Olney Theatre Center's brutal-but-funny addiction drama Bad Dogand Synetic Theatre's confused new version of Alice in WonderlandYou will no doubt notice from my lapels that I am wearing a new sport jacket, at my mom's insistence. Anyway, please enjoy my stuttering, my trailing off, and of course, my truly peerless sportjacket-wearing.

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Too Much Is Not Enough: Bad Dog and Alice in Wondlerland, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

My reviews of Bad Dog, a tough new comedy about alcoholism from prestige-TV writer Jennifer Hoppe-House, and Alice in Wonderland, Synetic Theatre's watery take on the Lewis Carroll classic as reinterpreted by former Washington Post film & theatre critic Lloyd Rose, are in today's Washington City Paper. I got paid to write them but you can read them for free. Everybody wins.