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Reality Chekhov: Life Sucks, or the Present Ridiculous, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Sad to the Bone: Eric Hissom and Judith Ingber as Astor and Sonia. (C. Stanley Photography)

Sad to the Bone: Eric Hissom and Judith Ingber as Astor and Sonia. (C. Stanley Photography)

I was excited to see Life Sucks, writer-director Aaron Posner's new variation on Anton Chekhov's Uncle Vanya, because my love for Stupid Fucking Bird, Posner's 2013 gloss on The Seagull, was mean and true. And because I tend to like almost everything Posner does. My review is in today's Washington City Paper.

FURTHER READING: My June 2013 review of Stupid Fucking Bird. And my August 2011 review of the Sydney Theatre Company's Uncle Vanya, starring Cate Blanchett and Hugo Weaving.