"Poor Things," rich text
Chris Klimek
Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo in Poor Things.
My Washington City Paper review of Yorgos Lanthimos’s Poor Things, one of 2023’s most rewarding films, is here.
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Filtering by Tag: Yorgos Lanthimos
Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo in Poor Things.
My Washington City Paper review of Yorgos Lanthimos’s Poor Things, one of 2023’s most rewarding films, is here.
Colin Farrell and Barry Keoghan in Yorgos Lanthimos' latest puzzler.
Writing a review the same day I see a film or a play will never be my favorite way to work, but the results aren't always bad. It's trickier when the subject is as provocative and original as Yorgos Lanthimos' movies tend to be. His latest, a mix of Greek myth and The Shining-era Stantley Kubrick, is well worth seeing even if it's not quite as strong as The Lobster.