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Filtering by Tag: playlist

Where Do I Start with Lou Reed?

Chris Klimek

Lou Reed was one the greatest American artists in any medium. Slate invited me to compile a playlist of 10 of his post-Velvet Underground songs as way for newcomers to sample his 40-year solo catalog. I was honored. You can read that here

When Rolling Stone reported Lou's death at the age of 71 yesterday morning -- it's not like I knew him personally, but something about his songwriting, especially on The Blue Mask album from 1982 and everything afterward, makes me feel first-name intimacy with him -- I started tweeting my recollections as a longtime admirer. I was introduced to his work and his wry worldview by New York in 1989. I heard the single, "Dirty Blvd.," on the radio, and I got the CD from the Columbia House mail-order club.

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Playlist: More Songs About Buildings and Farewells, or Requiem for Washington City Paper Headquarters

Chris Klimek

Why yes, I am pretty goddamn pleased with the party mix I cooked up, at the invitation of managing editor Jon Fischer, for the Washington City Paper's farewell-to-their-building party on Friday night. Some local pandering, some classic funk, a few reluctant sops to the 21st century. Something for everyone! Who is me or reasonably similar!

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a heterosexual white male in my mid-thirties.

"Full Disclosure," Fugazi, from The Argument, 2001. Track 24.

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