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Filtering by Tag: Anthony Mackie

Anthony Mackie, Agent of Shield: "Captain America: Brave New World," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

No cherry blossom trees were harmed in the production of this major motion picture (Disney)

My apologies to Shira Haas and to Tim Blake Nelson, both of whom were cut for space my Washington City Paper review of the extremely busy, half-successful Captain America: Brave New World.

Don’t Forget the Motor City: Detroit, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Anthony Mackie plays Robert Greene, a Vietnam veteran assaulted by police in Detroit.

Anthony Mackie plays Robert Greene, a Vietnam veteran assaulted by police in Detroit.

Review-writing is easier when you can interrogate your responses to the work and make judgments quickly. Detroit just wasn't one of those movies for me.

I thought it was important to try to discern exactly where the Bigelow-Boal directing/screenwriting duo deviated from or compressed the facts, which is hard in a 50-year-old case where so many of the facts were disputed. But I also saw some odd parallels between this movie and a couple of the ones Bigelow made before her historic Oscar win changed the way we receive her work. So my review is, among other things... long.

(Severed) Hands Across America: Keegan's A Behanding in Spokane and Studio's 4,000 Miles, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

The Broadway cast of A Behanding in Spokane in 2010: Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, Zoe Kazan, Anthony Mackie.​

The Broadway cast of A Behanding in Spokane in 2010: Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, Zoe Kazan, Anthony Mackie.​

In this week's Washington City Paper, I review the local premiere of Martin McDonagh's A Behanding in Spokane and reminisce uncomfortably about the show's 2010 Broadway debut, which I saw twice on my way to the realization that I don't like the play very much. I also review Studio Theatre's terrific production of Amy Herzog's sublime 4,000 Miles.