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Anthony Mackie, Agent of Shield: "Captain America: Brave New World," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

No cherry blossom trees were harmed in the production of this major motion picture (Disney)

My apologies to Shira Haas and to Tim Blake Nelson, both of whom were cut for space my Washington City Paper review of the extremely busy, half-successful Captain America: Brave New World.

Pop Culture Happy Hour: "Megalopolis"

Chris Klimek

Adam Driver and Nathalie Emmanuel, above the fray. (Lionsgate)

Aisha, Glen, Bedatri and I recorded this dissection of Megalopolis a mere 12 hours after the screening ended, which we all acknowledged is not time enough to process an overstuffed epic that Coppola has been working on in some capacity for more than half his life. Fun conversation, though.