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Filtering by Tag: Keanu Reeves

Trigger Warning: "John Wick: Chapter 4," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Keanu Reeves and Donnie Yuen in John Wick: Chapter 4 (Lionsgate).

John Wick: Chapter 4 looks great, goes on forever, and ends with dudes facing off with archaic single-shot dueling pistols at dawn. It's Barry Lyndon: Chapter 2 — Parabellum, basically. 169 minutes. More is less... says the guy who saw Avatar: The Way of Water more than once.

My Washington City Paper review is here.

Pop Culture Happy Hour: "John Wick Chapter 3 — Parabellum" and What's Making Us Happy"

Chris Klimek

John Wick 3 boasts the best equine motocross sequence since True Lies.

John Wick 3 boasts the best equine motocross sequence since True Lies.

What a treat to dissect the third and gnarliest John Wick with Linda and Glen and Aisha Harris.

While recommending Brian Raftery’s Best. Movie. Year. Ever: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen, I happened to name one of my most be-loathed movies from that year, the Best Picture-winning American Beauty, while omitting the names of my most beloved: Rushmore, Three Kings, Eyes Wide Shut, and so on. Raftery did not include John McTiernan’s remake of The Thomas Crown Affair in his book about 1999’s most notable and groundbreaking movies, probably because a remake of a 30-year-old thriller isn’t groundbreaking, and the movie did not have a substantial cultural impact.

But it was was the last good movie McTiernan made, I’m sorry to say, and I saw it in the theater that summer along with Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Notting Hill, American Pie, The Sixth Sense, Mystery Men, and all the rest, and I have revisited it on several occasions since.

Continental Drift: "John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Unretired assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) still mourns his wife (Bridget Moynahan).

Unretired assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) still mourns his wife (Bridget Moynahan).

In one of these John Wick movies we’re going to learn he killed that dead spouse he’s been pining away for, aren’t we?

Forgive my cynicism. On the day I saw the new, double-punctuated John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum, I walked past the taped-off scene of one violent crime on my way to the subway that morning, and past the taped off scene of another violent crime on my way home from the movie 12 hours later. So I’m not sure it’s correct to call this celebration of ultraviolence escapism.

I sure did enjoy it, though. You can read about my enjoyment and my hand-wringing in my NPR review.