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Filtering by Tag: Lawrence Redmond

Unsinkable? Unthinkable! Signature Theatre's all-singing, all-dancing Titanic, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Christopher Bloch, Nick Lehan, Lawrence Redmond, and Bobby Smith in Signature's Titanic. (Christopher Mueller) 

Christopher Bloch, Nick Lehan, Lawrence Redmond, and Bobby Smith in Signature's Titanic. (Christopher Mueller) 

Signature Theatre has revived Titanic, a multi-Tony Award-winning musical from 1997 that almost no one remembers. Apparently it was upstaged by some movie? My Washington City Paper review is here.

The Scarlet A(s): Inventing Van Gogh and The Argument, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Lawrence Remond & Ryan Tumulty in Inventing Van Gogh. (C. Stanley Photography)

Lawrence Remond & Ryan Tumulty in Inventing Van Gogh. (C. Stanley Photography)

In today's Washington City Paper, I review two shows I mostly liked: Washington Stage Guild's Inventing Van Gogh and Theater J's The Argument.

You are alerted.