"Reacher" Season Three, Recapped!
Chris Klimek
Reacher is back, and so are my Vulture recaps. Send me your synonyms for enormous; I’ve just about tapped out my thesaurus already.
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Filtering by Tag: Lee Child
Reacher is back, and so are my Vulture recaps. Send me your synonyms for enormous; I’ve just about tapped out my thesaurus already.
Reacher locked his keys in the car again. Just kidding; Reacher doesn’t have a car. Or any keys. (Brooke Palmer / Prime Video)
I’m recapping the second season of Reacher, the first-nameless Amazon adaptation of Lee Child’s hilarious series of novels about a hyper-competent, mountain-sized ex-military vigilante hobo, for Vulture. Truly, this is a labor of love. I yield to no man in my admiration for Christopher McQuarrie’s 2012 feature Jack Reacher, but this is a different beast. A larger, less expensive one.
I am a big, unapologetic fan of 2012's Jack Reacher, and the shrugging reviews I've seen of its new follow-up, Never Go Back, insult the original with their baffling assertion the new one is just as good. It's not remotely as good. The crispness of the action stuff, the weird jokes, the superb supporting players; the new one has none of that. Cobie Smulders is great, but she's not exactly underexposed like Reacher's deep bench—Richard Jenkins and David Oyelowo and Jai Courtney and Werner goddamn Herzog—was in 2012. We did not know then how ubiquitous Courtney would become in shitty sequels to 80s classics. Or that Rosamund Pike's stock would rise so fast with Gone Girl.
Anyway, here's my NPR review of the disappointing Jack Reacher: Never Go Back. Read it, and then cheer yourself up by watching Jack Reacher's A+ bar fight for the hundredth time.
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