"Reacher" Season Three, Recapped!
Chris Klimek
Reacher is back, and so are my Vulture recaps. Send me your synonyms for enormous; I’ve just about tapped out my thesaurus already.
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Filtering by Tag: recaps
Reacher is back, and so are my Vulture recaps. Send me your synonyms for enormous; I’ve just about tapped out my thesaurus already.
I’m staying in the scary sci-fi realm for my next Vulture recapping gig, though Sunny — Katie Robbins’s ten-part Apple TV+ adaptation of Colin O’Sullivan’s 2018 novel The Dark Manual — is a lot funnier than Dark Matter was. If you love Rashida Jones (and who doesn’t?) and neurotic droids (ditto), you can find ‘em in abundance right the hell here.
Callum Turner, Austin Butler, and a B-17. (Apple TV+)
With seven years as an editor for Air & Space / Smithsonian, may it rest in power, under my belt, I was the only man for the job of telling you which real American historical figures are played by real English and Irish actors. My Vulture recaps of Masters of the Air, showrunner John Orloff’s long-delayed Apple TV+ adaptation of Donald L. Miller’s nonfiction history book, are here.
Reacher locked his keys in the car again. Just kidding; Reacher doesn’t have a car. Or any keys. (Brooke Palmer / Prime Video)
I’m recapping the second season of Reacher, the first-nameless Amazon adaptation of Lee Child’s hilarious series of novels about a hyper-competent, mountain-sized ex-military vigilante hobo, for Vulture. Truly, this is a labor of love. I yield to no man in my admiration for Christopher McQuarrie’s 2012 feature Jack Reacher, but this is a different beast. A larger, less expensive one.