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Pop Culture Happy Hour: "Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One"

Chris Klimek

IMF lifers Tom Cruise and Christopher McQuarrie always wanted to crash a train together. (Paramount)

it’s an honor and a privilege to dissect the latest entry in my favorite film franchise with Linda Holmes, Wailin Wong, and Roxanna Hadadi on today’s Pop Culture Happy Hour. My estimation of the film grew when I saw it a second time after we recorded this, but it’s an accurate reflection of my somewhat perplexed initial response.

Choose to Accept "Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One"

Chris Klimek

I did a big reversal on latest impossible Mission in the interim in between when we recorded the forthcoming Pop Culture Happy Hour episode on it and when I saw the film again and wrote my Washington City Paper review. That’s why the latter is more effusive than the former. Sometimes that happens!