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Filtering by Tag: Woody Harrelson

"Fly Me to the Moon" and the Persistence of Lunar Lunacy

Chris Klimek

Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum meet cute en route to the Moon.

Fly Me to the Moon is an ahistorical comedy about the selling (and near selling-out) of the Apollo program. I spoke to my National Air and Space Museum curator friend Margaret A. Weitekamp about it, and to NASA Chief Historian Brian Odom, for this Smithsonian piece about why some people just won’t accept that America went to the Moon.

Zeke, a Mouse: "Zombieland: Double Tap," reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Eisenberg, Harrelson, Breslin, Stone. Put ‘em on Mount Rushmore, ferchrissakes. (Sony)

Eisenberg, Harrelson, Breslin, Stone. Put ‘em on Mount Rushmore, ferchrissakes. (Sony)

PREPARE YOURSELVES for the long-unawaited, hotly unanticipated sequel to the zombie road movie you're pretty sure you saw on a plane a decade ago! I didn't mind watching it one bit. My NPR review is here.

Fargo Fuck Yourself: Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri, reviewed.

Chris Klimek

Woody Harrelson and Frances McDormand in writer/director Martin McDonagh's finest film.

Woody Harrelson and Frances McDormand in writer/director Martin McDonagh's finest film.

Up until now, Martin McDonagh's best plays and movies have all been set in rural Ireland, or in an unnamed fictional totalitarian state, or In Bruges. That changes with the superb Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri, his first U.S.-set story that doesn't feel like the work of a tourist. Here's my NPR review.